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Have Your Doctors Told You That There’s Nothing They Can Do For Your Heaviness, Aching, Pain, Burning, Itching, Swollen, Discolored Feet or Legs?
30 million Americans have Venous Reflux Disease.
Peter walked into our office complaining of leg and foot swelling with ulcers. He stated that his doctors were giving him the runaround, sending him to numerous wound clinics where he was told, “there’s nothing we can do, except for heavy doses of medication.” He continued, “they didn’t even look at my feet!”
Does this sound familiar? Are you getting the proper help? Are doctors taking the time to go over what is the underlying cause? Where would Peter be if he didn’t come to our office and receive the proper help for his condition?
What are the Symptoms of Venous Reflux Disease?
The symptoms can include swelling, itching, aching, discoloration, skin ulcers, a heavy sensation, pain, burning skin, weakness, varicose veins in your feet or legs, are all symptoms of Venous Reflux Disease.
Am I a candidate?
Our doctor will determine if you qualify for our medical treatment by examining your feet and legs and getting a detailed medical history.
Does the medical treatment hurt?
While you might experience a little bruising or soreness in the treated area, most patients return to normal activities the same day.
Is there an age limitation?
No. Our doctors will assess your overall health and determine if you are a candidate for the medical treatment.
Does insurance cover this procedure?
Yes. Medicare, Medi-Cal and most private insurance do cover this medical treatment.
Do to a very large response, we are limited to 30 patients each month. Please call or fill out the form to the right to reserve your Initial Consultation.