

Condition of Firearms Sale:

Must be 18 years of age to purchase a long gun and 21 years of age to purchase a handgun.

All firearm sales are final.

There will be a 25% fee for any cancellation or Department of Justice (DOJ) denial.

Handgun Safety Certificate (HSC) and dealers record of sale (DROS) fees are non-refundable.

All Firearms will be transported from the store in a California approved storage device or lock. Locks purchased must have a valid receipt proving that it is no older than 30 days.

All firearms must be picked up no later than 30 days of the DROS date. Violations will result in a $30 fee and an additional 10 day waiting period.

It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to ensure the firearm is stored in a legal manner.

Purchasers with a P.O. box or an invalid address on their California drivers liscence or state ID must provide a government document with the proper address. (DMV registration, DMV info printout, County Utility Bill)

The purchaser must have a DOJ approved proof of residency at the time of pickup for the firearm to be released.

Resident aliens must provide four months utility bills as a secondary proof of residence

Examples of DOJ approved Forms of Residency:

A utility bill reflection services to a permanent address. The utility bill must be current and have purchasers name and address that matches the name on the 4473.

A residential lease agreement or property deed. It must have the name of the purchaser, and the same residential address as declared on the 4473.

Current vehicle registration that has both the purchaser’s name, and current address.