Invisible Hearing Aids



The invisible hearing aid is a tiny device that resides directly in front of the eardrum at the back of the canal. Not only is it completely hidden from view—which hearing aid wearers love—its location closer to the eardrum provides several extra benefits that have never before been possible. Its location allows more sound to be delivered to the eardrum as well as taking advantage of the natural sound localization of the outer ear and protection from the effects of wind. Amplified wind noise has been a problem for most hearing aid wearers until now.

In the past, people with severe hearing loss would have to wear a larger, more visible device. This is no longer the case. The advancement in technology was able to create smaller components such as speaker, microphone and IC chip to fit in a device so small. The newest version of the invisible hearing aid can help correct hearing losses that range from mild all the way to profound! While this breakthrough in size and location is significant, the technology inside of the invisible hearing aid is revolutionary as well. They’ve created the smartest noise reduction and speech preservation system ever developed called Vivid Speech. Vivid Speech analyzes processes and adapts to noise so fast, that noise is reduced even in between the syllables of speech. Study participants report hearing speech clearly even in the noisiest environments with significantly reduced listening effort and mental fatigue compared to their existing hearing aids.


  • Custom-made for you
  • For mild to severe hearing loss
  • Completely invisible in most ears


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